A wedding in the UK is always going to be prone to unpredictable weather. At Brewerstreet in the Summer, if the weather is right, the sunsets can be spectacular. What makes a sunset even more breathtaking in a photo is a low layer of clouds closer to you, giving the shot some more depth and drama. Every now and then everything can line up and give you the chance to get those winning wedding sunset shots and this was one of those days.
Dani was getting prepped at the Nutfield Priory, just around the corner from Brewerstreet. With its grand entrance, sweeping staircases and enormous bridal suites the photography at the prep stage almost sets itself up. There were a good number of flower girls who really wanted to have their photos taken which is a photographers dream as it’s hard to take a bad photo of kids who want to play up to the camera.
Timing is everything when it comes to the back end of the day. It just so happened that the sun was going down just before I was scheduled to finish so I nipped out to the field to see what we were being given and saw the stars aligning to make for a cracking sunset shot. Running back into the marquee I found Dani & George deep in conversation with one of their guests. I always make it clear to my clients that if you see me loitering near them without taking any photos it’s probably because there is something I need them for… Dani & George had said not to hesitate on interrupting so I obliged and dragged them out to the field to capture these incredible shots.
Brewerstreet you never fail to deliver.